December 11, 2012

Short on gift ideas? Check out our Christmas Gift Boxes!

Christmas is just around the corner.  Here are a few ideas to get you on your way.

Choose from any of the three options below.   In addition to the displayed items, all boxes contain a 25 JOD gift voucher towards a membership from mintaad (this can be used by both new and existing members). 

Christmas Box 1: Chicken Soup for the Soul


-        Membership Gift Voucher from for 25 JOD

-        Book: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas Treasury for Kids*

-        Glass Santa Cookie Jar (filled with chocolate)

-        Santa Hat

-         Christmas Tree Decorations

Price: 45 JOD

Christmas Box 2: The Third Wheel


-        Membership Gift Voucher from for 25 JOD

-        Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7: The Third Wheel*

-        Glass Christmas Mug (filled with candy canes)

-        Glass Christmas Cookie Plate

-        Santa Hat

Price: 45 JOD

Christmas Box 3: Middle School


-        Membership Gift Voucher from for 25 JOD

-        Book: Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life*

-        Glass Christmas Mug (filled with candy canes)

-        Glass Christmas Cookie Plate

-        Santa Hat

Price: 45 JOD

* Other book choices are available to fit the taste and age of your recipient. 

Call to order (+962) 79 9786222 or send an email to

Orders will be delivered within 24-48 hours in a closed mintaad box wrapped in a red ribbon (to you or your gift recipient).

Happy Holidays!

I'm a Tree!

a poem by Karim Murrar (9 years old, mintaad member)

I have no friends,

I stand in the sun

I can't walk or run.

I stay stuck in the mud, in the sand,

sometimes they replace me with a rocking band!

I give people apples, leaves and wood,

oh! i wish this was good

I meet new trees every day,

but sometimes they get cut and sent away!

They throw garbage and trash,

Oh please this is a smash.

I live my life with all I could do,

Ew!  Is that dog poo?!

December 05, 2012

Congratulations to our winner for this week, Bara'ah Iversen! Baraáh has won a brand new copy of  "Arabic Cooking Step by Step: Lebanese Touch!"

Don't miss out. It's not too late to enter the draw! All you have to do is register with mintaad for 3 months or more and you'll automatically get a chance to win amazing prizes in our weekly drawing.
Register now!

- All existing members are eligible to win
- Winners will be announced on a weekly basis starting Tuesday November 27, 2012

- Last drawing will be on January 1, 2013
- Terms and conditions apply

الفائز في السحب الأسبوعي لمنطاد 

مبروك لبراءة ايفرسون الفائزة مع منطاد بجائزة هذا الأسبوع. حازت براءة على نسخة جديدة من كتاب  الطبخ العربي خطوة خطوة 
لا تدع الفرصة تفوتك ! لم يفت الأوان للدخول في السحب. ما عليك إلا الإشتراك مع منطاد لمدة 3 أشهر أو أكثر لتحصل على فرصة للفوز بجوائز أسبوعية. اشترك الآن
جميع الأعضاء الحاليين مؤهلون للفوز
سيتم الإعلان عن الفائزين على أساس أسبوعي اعتبارا من يوم الثلاثاء 27 /11/ 2012
آخر سحب 1 /1/ 2013
تطبق الشروط والأحكام

November 28, 2012

Winner of mintaad's weekly draw!

Congratulations to our winner for this week, Yousef Zumot! Yousef has won a brand new copy of Guinness World Records 2013!

Don't miss out.  It's not too late to enter the draw! All you have to do is register with mintaad for 3 months or more and you'll automatically get a chance to win amazing prizes in our weekly drawing.
Register now!

 - All existing members are eligible to win
-  Winners will be announced on a weekly basis starting Tuesday November 27, 2012

-  Last drawing will be on January 1, 2013
-  Terms and conditions apply

الفائز في السحب الأسبوعي لمنطاد 

مبروك ليوسف زعمط، الفائز مع منطاد بجائزة هذا الأسبوع. حاز يوسف على نسخة جديدة من كتاب غينس للأرقام القياسية 2013
لا تدع الفرصة تفوتك ! لم يفت الأوان للدخول في السحب. ما عليك إلا الإشتراك مع منطاد لمدة 3 أشهر أو أكثر لتحصل على فرصة للفوز بجوائز أسبوعية. اشترك الآن
جميع الأعضاء الحاليين مؤهلون للفوز
 سيتم الإعلان عن الفائزين على أساس أسبوعي اعتبارا من يوم الثلاثاء 27 /11/ 2012
 آخر سحب 1 /1/ 2013
تطبق الشروط والأحكام

November 22, 2012

mintaad is hiring...

mintaad is looking for a fresh graduate to work in its offices in Amman with

- A dynamic personality and a “can-do” attitude
- Personal and professional passion for books, reading and literacy.
- Willingness to handle a diverse set of tasks.


- Bachelor's degree and 0-1 years of experience.
- Fluency in both English and Arabic languages both spoken and written.

- Ability to conduct presentations and represent company at book fairs, shows, exhibitions, etc.
- Strong computer and typing skills in both Arabic and English.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to effectively communicate with vendors, partners, and clients in person or over the phone.
- Multi-tasks with a big capacity to both think and do.

If interested, please send your CV to with “Fresh Graduate” in the Subject line.

Please feel free to share or forward this post to others who may be interested.

November 20, 2012

Register to Win

Ends January 1, 2013

Register with mintaad for 3 months or more and get a chance to win amazing prizes in our weekly drawing.
 Register Now

إشترك مع منطاد لمدة 3 أشهر أو أكثر لتحصل على فرصة الفوز بجوائز أسبوعية رائعة

إشترك الأن

- All existing members are eligible to win
- Winners will be announced on a weekly basis starting Tuesday November 27, 2012
- Last drawing will be on January 1, 2013
- Terms and conditions apply

November 19, 2012

حكاية محارة بقلم فلورا مجدلاوي

كم أنا سعيدة بانضمام كتب "روائع مجدلاوي"* إلى عائلة منطاد الرائعة! وبهذه المناسبة، أهنىء منطاد بتأسيسها وأشاركها الإيمان العميق بأن الكتاب هو من أهم عناصر الارتقاء بثقافة الطفل.

واليوم، أنا في غاية الحماس لأشارك عائلة منطاد الممتدة امتداد الوطن الدافىء كتابي الأخير: "حكاية محارة".

عشت مع تجربة كتابة "حكاية محارة"  أكثر من سنتين.  ظلت خلالها الأفكار تدور في رأسي؛  تتغير وتتبدل، حتى لم يعد النص الأصلي يمت بصلة للنص النهائي. فكان الكتاب نتاج عمليات كثيرة من "إعادة الكتابة".

في "حكاية محارة" تنبهر "عائشة"  ببرنامج  وثائقي شاهدته على التلفاز يعرض ملامح من الغوص للبحث عن اللآلىء قديما. تثير اللآلىء إعجابها،  فتتأمل لؤلؤة والدتها  التي تأخذها إلى عالم المحار في أعماق البحار. وهناك، تتعرف كيف غيّرت نشاطات الإنسان المتعددة بيئة البحار من وجهة نظر محارة صغيرة. تستمع عائشة إلى حكاية المحارة وتعدها أن توصلها للناس جميعا.

رسم القصة الفنان السويدي "أولا جوستافسون" الذي يأمل أن تنقل رسوماته قراء هذه الحكاية إلى عالم جميل، يلهمهم ويحفزهم للتعرف إلى حكايات أخرى. 
فلورا مجدلاوي

(الفئة العمرية المستهدفة 8 سنوات فما فوق.)

*تأسست "روائع مجدلاوي" عام 1992، وتهدف إلى نشر وتوزيع أدب الأطفال والناشئة في العالم العربي وفق المعايير العالمية. فدأبت إلى إنتاج العديد من الكتب المصورة بتصاميم حديثة، ورسومات مشوقة، وأسلوب ميسر، ومضمون هادف. كما عمدت إلى تنويع الإصدارات لتتضمن القصصي وغير القصصي من إنتاج عربي أصيل أو مترجم ليغوص أطفالنا في  أجمل التجارب القرائية.  صدر عن "روائع مجدلاوي" ما يقارب 200 كتابا حتى اليوم تستهدف الفئات العمرية من 2 إلى 16 عاما.

November 15, 2012

Book Fair at Book'n'Brush Preschool

mintaad held a mini book fair at Book'n'Brush Preschool earlier this month during which a selection of its books were showcased to parents and toddlers attending the preschool.

Our book display at Book'n'Brush
The event was a great opportunity for us to meet parents and get their feedback on our service as well as for parents to learn more about mintaad and the wonderful selection of books we offer.

mintaad was excited to offer a special discount to students and parents at Book'n'Brush and was happy to welcome a good number of new members from the preschool.

Sarah couldn't wait to get home to start reading!
Sarah couldn't wait to get home to start reading!
Yasmeena enjoying her first book selection with her mom.
Yasmeena enjoying her first book selection with her mom.

We would like to thank Book'n'Brush management for hosting mintaad and thank parents for their wonderful support!

About Book'n'Brush Nursery & Preschool

Book ‛n‛ Brush is a nursery and preschool accommodating children 18 months to 4 years of age. Located in the less crowded part of Sweifieh. Book 'n' Brush opened in September 2010 and operates Sunday through Thursday from 8:00AM till 2:00PM.

Book 'n' Brush... Where your expectations will be exceeded!

October 14, 2012

Switch off & Read! by editor

New research out this week says that ‘Parents need to drastically cut the number of hours children spend watching television, while under-threes should be stopped from watching altogether.’ This will in the long run improve their health and well-being. See link: (

Now unless you’ve been living in a cave since the telly was invented then this last piece of research shouldn’t come as a shock. We all know that vast numbers of hours ‘zombied’ in front of the TV, or playing on games consoles, and using smart phones, computer tablets, and laptops have all contributed in one way or another to obesity and a decrease in our health and general well-being. Come on, haven’t we been bombarded with that enough already?

However, before you get all huffy and puffy, rolling your eyes and flicking onto the next channel (which most of us including myself tend to do) is ask yourself what’s different this time round? Well, in my opinion, the main emphasis in this particular report is on the key phrase ‘recreational screen time’ and the word ‘recreational’ here carries a very large significance. Why? Because for the first time a report comes along that does not disregard the fact that children in modern life are increasingly reliant on computers whether at home or at school for that matter. The report argues that it is the extra time we, the parents, allow children access to these machines for playtime that is putting their health at risk. They should be banging about in the park in their free time, not on the keyboard of a computer.

As defined by, recreation is the refreshment of one’s mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates. And vast research has shown that it is the quality of the recreation that we choose that directly affects not only the way we feel in the short term but in the long term has a significant impact on life expectancy and longevity. Besides the known factors such as exercise and good eating habits, factors contributing to better health and therefore longevity now include flossing, de-stressing, READING and switching off the TV/laptop/phone.  So the last thing you or your child need is more computer time for play after the huge amount of hours spent working in front of them.

This is not in any way a call to unplug the TV and throw it out the window, unless you’d like a right riot on your hands if your house members were anything like mine. While I am at it, let me make one thing clear: I am not against TV viewing. On the contrary, I believe that families gathered round a TV at the end of the day is very much like when in the olden days tribes gathered round a campfire for news, warmth and stories. With the warmth factor sorted thanks to modern central heating, the TV becomes our source of stories, news and yes gossip. The point I am trying to make (based on the above mentioned report) is that the key for TV to work as a recreational tool and not a life-endangering habit is to be choosy in what you watch, making it more about quality rather than quantity. Applying that rule will instantly reduce viewing time noticeably leaving more time for the family to do other things together. Like what? I hear you say. Well, hello reading, of course!

Research has found that one of the best stress busters out there is actually reading. Books can distract one’s mind from the day’s chaos. They offer pathways of escapism whether into fictional worlds or glimpses into the lives of real people that may inspire us. Gathering a family to share a book creates ‘talking points’ that in their turn create better understanding and empathy among the family members particularly if there is an environment for fair, open discussion afterwards. Families who read know more things. And with greater knowledge comes heightened self-esteem (it’s a chain reaction). Reading stimulates the mind and the imagination and allows the individual, particularly children, to better articulate individual thoughts and feelings clearly and coherently and to make up their own mind regarding different subjects (something that is very rarely attainable from TV viewing). So, what are you waiting for? Switch off and grab a book (make sure it’s from and trust me, nine out of ten times the book is always better than the movie!

September 06, 2012

Why do I Read? An account by one of our most avid readers Rana Asfour.

One of the questions I personally find hard to give an answer to is when someone queries why I read or another is how I got into books.  Of course, the obvious, tried and tested replies that automatically spring to mind would be along the lines of ‘Reading is fun’, ‘Reading is educational’, ‘Books are my best friends’. Well, maybe not that last one quite so much but hopefully you get my drift.

Of course we read for one or all of the afore-mentioned reasons although other motivators could include escapism and a desire to improve language and vocabulary skills. Some readers even go so far as to claim that reading makes them more empathetic as they not only learn more about themselves and others through their reading but also as they get a better understanding of the world they live in. In short, they claim that reading makes them better people and better listeners.

The science behind how reading actually affects brain structure is currently being tested by a group of scientists in the United States. Students will be given a fixed amount of literature to read and then each student’s brain will be scanned to see what effect takes place in the brain. This is a revolutionary technique literally dubbed ‘The Science of Reading’. For more on this report, click this link:

I am no scientist but I still remember how I felt as a child when listening to my first bedtime story. I could not tell you specifically what the story was about, and there were many, but I can tell you that it was as if by magic everything was transformed. You see, my father was the best story teller. A voracious reader himself he would thrill us with embellished stories based on the adventures of ‘Shater Hassan’, a make-believe Arabian character, who crossed swords with the evil Sultan’s army, defended the weak and fought for justice. All the while getting into as it seemed never-ending and at times completely daft trouble. So daft that in one incident and solely for the benefit of his listening daughters Shater Hassan had to drink tea with mermaids to the dismay of my two brothers.

Father’s captivating narration was so intense, so enrapturing that when he brandished a twig to fight a make-believe ghoul, we saw a sword and when he spun us around the room, we really were at the Sultan’s ball, when we marched it was to the sound of the African drum we believed with all our heart we could hear in our very ears and when our hero, armed with only a pistol in his hand, finally came face to face with that rogue elephant to save the fair maiden, our heart leapt into our mouth. Needless to say, our hero always won.

As we grew older my father continued to unlock more and more fictitious doors through which we’d step into to meet with ever more fascinating characters; Sinbad, Peter Pan, Oliver Twist, Tom Sawyer and the entire cast of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales. The time came when we could find the stories on our own and the books (keys he called them) replaced our much-loved narrator. Today, his legacy and our memories are kept alive through the books we choose for ourselves and those we hand to our children. Reading is what binds me to my father, my past, my present and my future.

So why do I read? I read to be thrilled, to be challenged, to be fascinated, to be consumed and emotionally spent. I read to have my life turned upside down, my beliefs tested and new ones forged. I return to books as a junkie to a fix. Of course, not every book will do that as not one key will open all doors and just as a princess has to kiss many frogs to find her prince. However, when the magic happens and such a book comes along, with a plot that makes my skin tingle and the small hairs at the back of my neck stand up, a story that refuses to release me from its grip to get some shut-eye before next day’s crucial meeting, then that’s when I know my love affair with reading has not been in vain, in fact is everlasting. 

July 19, 2012

New York Times Best Sellers - Children Series

 July 2012

 Top 10 Best Sellers in Children Series

1. THE HUNGER GAMES, by Suzanne Collins. (Scholastic, hardcover and paper.) In a dystopia, a girl fights for survival on live TV. (Ages 12 and up)       

98 Weeks on the List  

2. DORK DIARIES, by Rachel Renée Russell. (Aladdin, hardcover only.) Nikki Maxwell navigates the halls of middle school. (Ages 9 to 13)      
40 Weeks on the List

3. KANE CHRONICLES, by Rick Riordan. (Hyperion, hardcover and paper.) Ancient gods are unleashed, but the Kanes have power, too. (Ages 10 and up)            

10 Weeks on the List

4. DIARY OF A WIMPY KID, written and illustrated by Jeff Kinney. (Abrams, hardcover only.) The travails of adolescence, in cartoons. (Ages 9 to 12)      
182 Weeks on the List

5. FALLEN, by Lauren Kate. (Delacorte, hardcover and paper.) Fallen angels and forbidden love through the centuries. (Ages 12 and up)            

14 Weeks on the List

6. THE MAZE RUNNER TRILOGY, by James Dashner. (Delacorte, hardcover and paper.) Amnesiac teenagers endure a series of trials. (Ages 12 and up)         

30 Weeks on the List

7. PERCY JACKSON & THE OLYMPIANS, by Rick Riordan. (Hyperion, hardcover and paper.) Children of the gods battle monsters. (Ages 9 to 12)              

255 Weeks on the List

8. BIG NATE, written and illustrated by Lincoln Peirce. (HarperCollins, hardcover and paper; Andrews McMeel, paper.) Where Nate goes, trouble is sure to follow. (Ages 8 to 12)        

62 Weeks on the List

9. THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS, by Cassandra Clare. (McElderry/Simon & Schuster, hardcover and paper.) A world of demons and warriors. (Ages 14 and up)       

63 Weeks on the List  

10. THEODORE BOONE, by John Grisham. (Dutton, hardcover; Puffin, paper.) The adventures of a kid lawyer. (Ages 9 to 12)        
7 Weeks on the List

A version of this list appears in the July 22, 2012 issue of The New York Times Book Review. Rankings reflect sales for the week ending July 7, 2012.

July 02, 2012

Welcome To mintaad!

Thank you for deciding to visit mintaad’s blog, where you can stay up-to-date with all the news, events and offers on our website as well as news of the latest book releases in English and Arabic, author updates and interviews. If it’s happening in the book world, you can be sure we’ll let you know about it.

At mintaad we are passionate about reading and hold a firm and true belief that books are going nowhere even in today’s high-tech world. It is silly to assume that e-books, tablets, and such are not picking up pace but from when the first book came into existence, the method of preserving the written word in book form has proved invincible. There are books surviving hundreds upon hundreds of years that are still not only intact but legible works that are portals into times long gone. Time machines that to access require nothing more than the flip of a front cover and hey presto, like magic, you are on your way flying with fairies, soaring in an air balloon, battling dragons and solving a murder, revisiting the fantasy year upon year. A book requires no batteries, no access points, and is immune to all upgrades in the digital world. Your childhood book will still be there when you revisit it twenty years from now. Unchanged, a bit dusty perhaps, slightly yellow, but still there and still accessible.

Storytelling is an integral part of the Arab World. We pride ourselves on the stories we have learnt from our grandparents who inherited them from theirs before. Stories make up the fabric of our society and I dare anyone to resist a well-told one. Confucius once said, “The book salesman should be honoured because he brings to our attention, as a rule, the very books we need most and neglect most”. This is exactly what we will attempt at the heart of our blog. We are making it our job, our mission even, to highlight the best stories (written in Arabic and English) and to make sure that not only are they accessible but that you also receive them in the quickest and most time-efficient way.

The benefits of reading are well-documented and reading advocates have been shouting out from the rooftops since forever singing its praises. Research has proved that our kids are reading less these days not for lack of books but because parents are failing to instil the habit in youngsters. Also, they are failing to be proper role models themselves when it comes to reading. It’s simple: if you read, so will your child!  A well-written, catchy, interesting book that is read early on will capture the imagination of any young child rendering reading for fun a much cherished hobby in the future. We can help!

Through this blog we will highlight the best books out there, past and present, recent and forgotten, bringing advice from authors and readers alike on how best to maximize the reading process for the whole family. mintaad delivers the best of the written word right to your doorstep.

Your feedback is very important to us. Please leave a comment to let us know when we get it right and especially if we get it wrong and for our part we promise you books, books and more books.

Enjoy the ride!